Sahlar Modder medium phunnel (2015)

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Modder medium phunnel bowl

Sahlar medium phunnel ceramics in Europe is a hookah ceramics that is manually wheeled. Its material is a special white-clay mixture. It can be used with hookah tobacco, aromatic gel, mineral and paste. This phunnel ceramics can provide the maximum hookah smoking experience with a normal amount of aroma (tobacco, cream, stone). Due to its special design, massive construction and heat conducting feature, it is a real premium category product.

Due to its design, it is less probable that the tobacco or mineral will get burnt. In spite of its cost-saving feature, with a high quality hookah tobacco, it can provide a filling lasting for even 2 hours, whereas with hookah mineral you can smoking hookah for 1 hour. Therefore Sahlar ceramics is among the most cost-saving ones.

The modder hookah became popular at a wide scale very quickly as it is compatible with Kaloud Lotus, Brohood, Oduman Ignis, AMY smoke box, El Nefes FES, MIG Razor and any brand and identical-sized consoles, as well as it can be perfectly used with normal aluminium foils, by eliminating the disadvantages of phunnel ceramics.

Why is it called Modder?

One of the main weak points of phunnel ceramics is that it can get adhered to the middle hole when household aluminium foil is used, due to its extreme softness and flexibility. This has been solved with the use of the so called “phunnel mod” so far. Based on the experience of customers and users, we have elaborated a solution, which is comfortable, does not worsen the appearance and long-lasting as well. This is a modification integrated in the phunnel ceramics, due to which this type of hookah ceramics is called Modder.


 Bowl weight: ~205g
Head width: ~80mm
Height: ~135mm
Material: clay & glaze

How much to add

Heavily packed: 20-22 g
Lazy packed: 15-18 g
Steam stones: 28 – 30 g
Cream, gel or paste: 5 – 15 g

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  • Sahlar Modder medium phunnel (2015) - sahlar modder phunnel bowl 20 533x800
  • Sahlar Modder medium phunnel (2015) - sahlar modder phunnel bowl 6 533x800
  • Sahlar Modder medium phunnel (2015) - sahlar modder phunnel bowl 13 1 533x800
  • Sahlar Modder medium phunnel (2015) - sahlar modder phunnel bowl 1 533x800
  • Sahlar Modder medium phunnel (2015) - sahlar modder phunnel bowl 9 533x800